Friday, May 21, 2010

14 Minutes of "Fame"

So i've been doing some work/favors for a friend whom I really care about who was basically the person who helped me get the wheels moving for my recovery. Working with him requires me to meet alot of personalities and performers who have all been very nice and sweet and made what I am doing enjoyable and fun. Up until today

So the performer Steven Daigle who was on Big Brother who became a porn star is the featured guest at this event. The man supposed to be running this event, my friend, has another event so he can't be here. He hires a social host who is nice to host in his absence. I bring a friend/porn star to make up for the lack of help. Well Steven shows up late after refusing my help. Ummm, if Michael enlists my services and he knows EXACTLY what hes doing, then someone who has no idea what they'r doing should be asking for help. Although he was a little pissy with me, he sure put a smile on his face and those eyes lit up when he met the host. I'm guessing that is because the guest host is more connected around town than I am and therefore, being a professional bottom feeder he knew he couldn't step on his toes.

Honestly, Steven Daigle is a reality show loser who was unanimously voted off of Big Brother (a low-rated show on a low rated channel, his particular season getting lower ratings than any season) and feels that by becoming a porn star hes cool. I did my research on his personality, and he basically said himself that seeing himself on a flyer with other porn stars made him feel validated, and that porn stars were just regular people with nicer bodies.LMAO. Hey gay cowboy, your body is nothing to brag about. I mean, it's not bad, it's slightly above average. Anyway, here's a list of things I WOULD'VE done if I were a Big Brother reject and wanted to hold onto my fame a little longer, that extra minute

1. Write a book. Duh
2. Start a non-profit
3. Date Lance Bass
4. start a non-profit agency
5. Find some 'I LOVE THE 80'S' type of specials to provide commentary work for
6. Do real acting

And If You Absolutely HAD to do porn, here's what you could've done to capitalize on all you could've gained

1. Be a top. Bottoms don't become stars.
2.Be a top. Tops are more marketable. They get dildos and things like that. Blake Riley got an ass mold, which I must add nobody bought
3.Be a top. You could've held out and got the big bucks when you topped, but instead you gave it up in your first scene.
4. Work with a different company. C1R is not the best company, which is why I understand you work with them.

That's what I would've done...But thats just me.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 1

So I relapsed. I drank alcohol. I didn't get drunk. But I drank, and according to program rules ALCOHOL is not recommended. I have to be honest with myself and the other men in my program so I am willing to stand up today and get that 24 hr chip. I never got one the first time so I guess I will be making up for that tonight...

I decided that instead of going to meetings looking for men to fuck around with, I will be going to really listen and learn the steps correctly. Also going to be working on my myself more physically and mentally. I am a young gay man and the attitude I have been shown by my gay 'role models' is that a hot body goes further than a nice smile and pretty eyes with a kick ass personality can ever go. As of now, I am believing that because I really do think it's true. How can I not when it seems that I can't seem to win the gold medal doing what i'm doing now?? Men mainly care about a hot body and physical attraction, and that is the only reason I don't have a man now...

check out my next blog, entitled "Gold Medal" to follow up on what I wrote today

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I Feel That Itch To Use Again

I am bored and have no sober friends.

My emotions are getting to me.

Almost nobody in CMA practices what they preach

I don't feel wanted or welcome there

Honestly I am almost fed up with the program. I don't even know why I subject myself into sitting in a fucking room 2 hours a day with a bunch of addicts and alcoholics who aren't about much. Like honestly, I feel that I can probably help myself or better yet help someone else better than any of them could. Seriously. They are hella fucking cliquey and they can honestly see you on the street an hour after meeting you and giving the fake smiles and the hugs and look you dead in the eye as if they have never seen you before in their life. The ONLY reason I keep going back is because it supposedly works, but the only thing going to CMA makes me want to do is fucking use. I am at odds with my sponsor and have been talked into getting a new one, but I decided I will ride it out for a while, because I do care about my sobriety more than I care about any of those assholes

I am close to relapsing right now...and I decided "what the hell these people gave me their numbers and told me to call them anytime if I needed to talk to them" Well I called, no answer, but they are willing to text. We wouldn't want to connect with each other during a conversation now would we? That would be too much like normal.

Thank God I am deciding to get sober at my young age, because I DO NOT want to be like these messy queens when i'm 37.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Golden Boys

"Golden Boys"

Why are you selling dreams of who you wish you could be
A prince in all of the magazines
They'd have no words for the man I've seen
Talk real fast 'fore they see your face

And would they love you if they knew all the things we know
We've got these images
We need them to be true
Not ready to believe we're no more insecure than you

But then there're boys like me who sit appauled by what we've seen
We know the truth about you
Now you're the prince of all the magazines
That is a dangerous thing

But would they love you if they knew all the things that we know
Those Golden Boys
All a fraud don't believe their show
Would they love you if they knew all the things that we know

Golden Boy life ain't a video

Place you in these robes and tell you you're the greatest man
And you believe and play your cards
Got dealt a winning hand
Don't you get tired of the show
The kissin' ass of all the people that you wanna know

When I was young I thought you had it won
I saw you in the Castro you made life look fun
But then years go by and people grow
I realize it's all a freak show

Boys like me don't need no bubblin' mindstate thrown in my face
The way you goin' ain't gonna be no stroll in the sunshine
Can't turn it back now baby you gone and past that line
So give it on up now
What you gonna do

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Starting To Feel The Love/Starting To Win Me Over

It's so funny how so many people can help you out so greatly and barely know you

The other day I went to a party for a man named Gary. This was a VERY special party. Gary was celebrating his one year of being sober off of crystal meth. That is HUGE! It took him 9 years, but he did it. CONGRATULATIONS GARY!! But that night I had my own turning point that night. Well you see, im sort of a shy person and because of my low self esteem, paranoia, and depression issues. anyway, let me list the pieces of my still VERY incomplete puzzle:

1. Michael. He took me to my first CMA meeting. He gave me ALOT of attention. He made me feel special, wanted, and happy. I really look up to him a lot

2. Jared. He spoke to me for a while on Facebook one day and told me what I needed to do to take my recovery seriously

3. Philip. Philip isn't in Recovery, but like Michael is sort of like a father figure to me.

4. Gary. Gary invited me to his party. I don't like going places where I don't know anyone, and Michael was busy the day of the party and I didn't hear from him. If I didn't meet him and get a personal invite I wouldn't have gone, especially since the location was changed. He made me feel very comfortable and treated me as if he'd known me for years when I arrived at his party. He's a great guy

5. Richard. Met him and his sweet BF at Endowment. He spoke to me on the phone when I was freaking out about going inside the country club to Gary's party where I didn't know anyone. He was patient and listened to me until I was ready to go. Thats when minutes later I met...

6. Stefano. It is NOT like me to walk up to someone, but I had seen this man before and I thought he had a friendly face. I am known to be awkward in conversation, but it wasn't with him, which is unusual for me. He took me inside and introduced me to...

7. Andrew. Andrew is my sponsor. Nuff Said.

8. Stephan. Stephan is brand new, but hes my age. We had a great convo recently, and I felt like he was actually into it. We have a lot in common, ALMOST too much.

Those are the people who really stand out. Thank you guys for making me feel welcome. I will continue to keep coming back because of you al!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Lets go back to April 23rd 2010

I actually felt horny that I decided to go on Adam4adam and see what I could find. It wasn't long before I connected with this dude and I was taking the F Castro up to his place.

I get there and he lets me in. He tells me he is a dealer. Oh no. I should leave, but i'm too fucking horny too go all the way back home. I stay. He slams. He asks me if I want to slam. I tell him that I will smoke if he has a pipe.

Wait a minute. I'm supposed to be sober aren't I? Yes, I am.

He doesn't have a pipe. Thank God he doesn't have a pipe. I was so fuckin' ready to get high again. so fuckin' ready. so.fuckin'. ready.

God damnit I cannot believe that I could've relapsed so easily. It's been almost three weeks since I last used at that point...FUCK. What was I thinking. This is what I was thinking: I need this drug. I need this drug. I need this drug. I need this drug. I NEED THIS DRUG. I can't do anything without this drug. I need crystal meth. I need that high. That incredible high I love so fucking much. This high is so amazing. I love smoking and turning into that sexual monster that I turn into. I don't eat for days. All I do is stay in bed and make love to some hot guy. I become 100% sex. It's all about sex. Meth is my God. Meth is the best feeling ever. It's so amazing. I don't see why everyone doesn't do it. It's the best. It's the best. IT'S THE BEST.

I start having sex with this man. He's a best. We fuck. It's amazing. Then he makes a call. Talking about bike racks and all sorts of crazy shit. My tweaker flashbacks start to happen and for some reason I think he's speaking in code for trying to set me up to rob me or kill me or do something crazy to me. I get dressed and he asks me what i'm doing. I tell him I think he's speaking in code to try to kill me or hurt me. He says hes not. I leave. It's almost 2, thank God theres a bar open. I go over to the bar and call a cab. I am delivered safely home where I don't feel as scared anymore.

Now I know why I've quit. Because I don't like this feeling. I don't like being sketched out. Even when i'm not high i'm still paranoid. I was seconds away from relapse. I have been sober but its time to start taking this sobriety thing seriously. Honestly, the only way I can change for good is to take it seriously. It's time to stop being such a pussy bitch and put myself out THERE. I need to do this for myself.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Black Gay Men in San Francisco


I believe that being black in America is still not fully socially accepted. Imagine being black and gay. Or worse, imagine being black and gay AND living in San Francisco.

Let me give you a little background about San Francisco's Castro, the community that is known for being the "gayest neighborhood in the gayest city in the gayest state in the universe" LOL. Well the castro has kind of a reputation for not being black friendly. You can go out in the Castro and see a ton of white people, a good amount of latin men, and a good amount of asian men. Then there will be a handful of black gay men. And these men stand out from the other men in many ways. Some things I have noticed about the black gay men in San Francisco are

1. They tend to wear colored contacts
2. They almost always have a white or non-black boyfriend
3. They almost always are the only black man in the group they're with
4. A lot of them are pretty overweight
5. If they're feminine they are ALWAYS more femme than the average femme
6. A lot of men in San Francisco who are gay do not find black men attractive

I'm pretty sure there are more but that's all I got for now. It's funny, because talking to other people (before I express my views I try to call around/go online) and try to find some people who agree with me, and a lot of men do, especially black men do. I do consider myself pretty well traveled and always make an effort to visit the gay areas of places I go, and San Francisco's Castro definitely has the least black men, and definitely the black men look different. I am not perfect or anything, but I HAVE noticed that in other places the black men are very sexy. In San Francisco alot of black men are fucking overweight and the ones who are ok and have nice body's have these contacts, relaxed hair (but most still have the fade which is typical of most black men everywhere gay or straight) and these super gay boy clothes. It's kind of weird.

I especially cannot stand the colored contacts. These things are worn by SO many SF black men. We know who they are. There is one man in particular who stands out. This man is just so unreal. Super gay clothes. gay relaxed hair. blue contacts that he tries to play off as his real eyes. It's so sad yet funny because this boy has some issues. From what I know about him I can take a good guess he may have dissociative identity disorder

There are plenty of reasons as to why a black gay man may mess with their appearance so much. One could be that it may make them feel as if they are more acceptable. Another could make them feel like they are more attractive to white men. Those are some stupid bullshit reasons. As a gay black man, other younger black men need to feel attractive for the way we look NATURALLY. Black men are unique because while white, Latin, Asian may have similar features to each other, we are completely different. I want another black man to find me attractive, THAT will make me feel good. Black people have been looked at as second class citizens since forever, and it seems like to me that the way black gay men are dealing with that is not by sticking together but by trying to become closer with the people who as a whole don't find us attractive or are considered more beautiful by the rest of society.

I am half black and half white. I feel like I was raised well when it comes to race issues. I find all races attractive, although I will admit I prefer black, white and latin men more just because not only do I feel like I can relate to them on a more cultural basis but also I have experienced a lot of racism from all types of asian people, gay or straight. Thats a different topic though. But growing up I went to mainly white schools in more affluent areas. both my parents had great jobs and worked hard. I had a good mix of friends and never felt left out. I am not 'ghetto' like black people are expected to be yet I don't avoid black people/look down upon black people like most white people do (trust me, racism has become so institutionalized that a lot of white people with black friends dont even realize they're racist. At the same because of the institutionalized racism, so many black people don't even realize when they're being discriminated against) I feel lucky that I can go to the hood' and talk comfortably with 'thugs' and 'ghetto' black people without being considered white washed. I also think it's cool I can hold a conversation with black college grads without being considered ghetto. While I am equally white as I am black, I must say there is a welcomeness the black community gives me that I don't feel from the white community

You may ask what I mean. Well, my physical appearance favors my black side. I do feel more comfortable around black people just because I just feel more loved and cared for and looked after when i'm around black people. For example, when i'm with my black friends family (back in high school and college) they talk to you and treat as one of their own kids when your with them. That is common amongst black families because I feel that black families realize that the black community is missing a lot of strong black men so we in a way look after each other a little more. On the other hand, while around my white friends family, they treat you very well, but they still kind of let you know in little ways your a visitor and that there are certain things you can and can't do. Like I can walk into any of my black friends house when my friends not even there and have mom fix me something to eat and stay and watch t.v. or just hang out with his mom. With one of my white friends however, I would NEVER do that at any of their houses.

I just don't get how someone can not find their own skin color and people unattractive and not want to be with them. How a culture who has been through so much and struggled and experienced racism and are gay can not want a sense of community, but would rather take one of the more 'desirable' groups of men over their own. I really don't get it. Or I really do get it...although I don't understand it or like it.

But I am starting to learn if you want to get anything done you need to take it into your own damn hands. Maybe I will one day have the courage to do that one day. Everyday I am getting a little more and more comfortable being OK with myself (believe me, I got my own issues, and quite a bit of them at that!)

Check out my next blog post: Golden Boys!